Tandoori cauliflower steaks

Cauliflower has recently become one of my favourite vegetables because its so versatile and can carry bold flavours. Fair enough, it’s no potato, but you can still steam it, mash it, rice it, grill it, bake it, fry it, salad it… the list goes on. This recipe is for a delicious lightly spiced cauliflower steak,…

Shakshuka (with merguez)

Doesn’t shakshuka seem to be everywhere now?! It’s no surprise though, as its so incredibly delicious and comforting, does not require too much effort and can be customised easily to what you like! The traditional version is basically baked eggs in a spicy, smoky tomato and pepper sauce, but since I love meat, I’ve added…

Coconut prawn curry

This curry is always on the list for my mom to cook when she comes to visit – it’s a favourite with everyone! And because its so hassle free, I never feel bad for asking. It’s perfect with plain white rice and lots of lemon squeezed over, but if you’re watching your carbs, it also…